Posted Tue, 05/14/2013 - 06:59 by David Barrett Admin
The first of the seven positions is what we call 1st Position or Straight Harp... this is playing in the key C on the C Harmonica. The Mode created is called the Major Mode, or Ionian.
Posted Wed, 11/30/2011 - 10:13 by David Barrett Admin
Jimmy, a student on the site, needed some clarification on the V-IV-I. Here it is for you as well. Let's start from the top so that there's no confusion.
When we speak of theory on the site we use a C Major Diatonic Harmonica. This harmonica produces the notes: C D E F G A B C. For blues we commonly play in 2nd Position, so we play in the Key of G. The key of G uses the following notes for its construction: G A B C D E F# (F-sharp) G.
If playing by ourselves, we can play those G A B C D E F# G notes in any order, in any rhythm, we wish, to create what we feel sounds good. continue reading...