P.S., starting next week Tip of the Day will move to once a week (I'll shoot for Wednesdays). I've enjoyed writing for you every weekday morning for the past 3+ years, but student submissions at BluesHarmonica.com have been increasing steadily and now my time needs to be focused on them.
Posted Tue, 10/06/2015 - 07:10 by David Barrett Admin
In the BB's radio show The Science Hour on 10/2 (the episode tilted "Flowing Water on Mars") they spoke of timbre, the overtone series, temperament (our harmonica models come in different temperaments https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musical_temperament) and how active the mind is in the production of music. The explanations are bit shallow, but still a fun listen. Go here http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p033n9rm and start it at 23:46.