Blow 4, Draw 4
Mon, 06/23/2014 - 11:37
Hello Kinya,
I've just developed a problem with my Hohner Blues Harp key of A. For some reason when you blow and draw on hole 4, there is no difference in pitch i.e. they both sound in the key of A.
I've not taken the harp to pieces as I'm not very technically minded and would now what to look for. Please could you provide some suggestions.
If I do need to look inside what tools do I need.
Many Thanks,
Thu, 06/26/2014 - 06:46
Hello Paul,
Did the reed snap
Hello Paul,
Did the reed snap off?
Your Harpsmith, Kinya
Hi Paul, Good to hear from you.
Is this a new Hohner Blues Harp? If not, I suspect that your 4 draw (B) has fractured (near the rivet end) and lowered a full step in pitch (A).
Try this:
Keep us posted!
Your Harpsmith, Kinya