Blues really creepin over me
Fri, 05/26/2017 - 23:45
David Hi
Can you confirm that Blues creeping over me that, the lead in 3+ 3 to the Solo 1.55 then the first two bars and the 3 3’ 2- - - - are all one inhale or does the music provide for some quick air after the 4---
Only looking for clarification on that point. Thanks
OK just had another look and the music is continuous for the first two bars of the solo and then the 3 3’ 2 ---- so that is clear and no response required.
Hello John
You got it. Use that rest before the 3+ to get rid of air. If you need more time to get rid of air, shorten that 1 draw prior to it, and/or exhale through your nose as you play the 3+.
Of course make sure your nose is closed while playing the 4 draw and bends
If you need to at first, you can exhale at the end of measure 1, just steal away one beat of hold (beat 4), making sure to dynamically decrease your volume so that it's not noticeable to the listener.