blues scale theory question
Been really trying to dig in and get my scales down in different positions. Just curious why you include the minor and major 2nd's in the high end of the 2nd position blues scale. Sounds good, I guess because you are borrowing from the V chord blues scale. But they are available on the low end, and some are available in 1st and 3rd position scales, but aren't included there.
Is it just because the minor 3rd is missing and you're trying to fill in the gap? The E-flat is missing at the low end of the 1st position scale, the D and D-flat are available, but there you sort of replace it with the major 3rd. That would be available to fill the gap in the 2nd position scale too. So I'm missing something ...
Just trying to fill in my own gaps in my understanding of blues theory.
Good questions adiaco.
Exactly... I'm filling the gap with the missing Bb around hole 7. The two notes even out the scale (making it six notes, so rhythmic patterns work) and it simply sounds good. I came up with this subscription and yes, it's graft from the D blues scale.
The 2+ E in 1st position is just what players have been doing (without thinking about it) from the beginning... again, because it sounds good.