I'm on Level 1, Solo Harmonca Study 1, Ex. 2.1. I've got the shuffle down, but the problem is breathing. My lungs fill up and it doesn't seem like a person can do this shuffle for so long without stopping to let air out. It actually has just one blow note and I'm wondering if people are able to play this shuffle without stopping.
Hello Rishió. Yes, pro level players can keep going on this riff indefinitely. Another tip is to play the chords (the upbeat pulls) very softly (about half volume). I didn't say this before, because this is difficult to do at your skill level, but give it a try, it will help (and this is the volume you'll end up playing chords down the road anyways).
I know that it can be really tough to get the breathing right. You spend so much time inhaling and then you've got just a beat to forcefully exhale all that air out.
I know that some pro harp guys will actually take their lips off the harmonica for that exhale, so they can breathe more air AROUND the harmonica instead of just trying to force it all through the harmonica.
Adam Gussow details the technique in this video: (the point is around 2 minute in)
Hope this helps. Something to try out, at least. It'll get easier with time and practice.
Thank you Marc. Are you saying that while you're playing a 5 blow slap in that example that you're also allowing air to escape around your lips?
I just played it a few times to try and figure out what I actually do. I found that I don't allow any air to escape around my lips. Allowing the air to escape around your lips might be easier for lip blocking (pucker) players, because it's challenging with my tongue on the harp. I also found that if I start filling up on air, I don't strictly play the single note 5+. (I might play a 2+/5+ octave just to get more air out.) The way I approach it is really fluid depending on what I need at that moment.
I thought it was worth throwing the idea out there, in case it was of any value to Rishió.
Thank you Marc, much appreciated.
That line traditionally uses the 2 draw, but sure, the 3+ is just fine as a substitution.
Hello Rishió. Open your nose on the blow note and make sure your nose is closed on the draw notes. In Solo Harmonica Study 2 you'll play this same example and when the IV Chord comes you'll use a lot of blow notes, this will allow you to get rid of any air buildup from the first four bars.