I’ve been studying level one now for a couple of months and am thoroughly enjoying it. One difficulty I’m experiencing is two-fold and lies in blocking the air passage through my nose. Firstly, the pitch and tone of single note draws on holes 1 & 2 is horrible (flat and tinny) and secondly, I’m suffocating. I guess if I can’t solve the second problem, the first is immaterial. So, maybe I’ll work on that first. Any suggestions?
Thanks for everything so far. I’m really excited to have found your website.
Hello Julian.
I'm glad you're enjoying your studies.
Your first challenge is an extremely common one for new players. Watch the first video on this page for the answer
When you say that you're suffocating, are you saying that while you're playing that you're not getting enough airflow through the harmonica, and thus you feel like you're not getting enough oxygen?
If so, then make sure to take advantage of all rests to breathe.
Also, steal time at the end of long notes to breathe. For example... in your study song Walk With Me... play 3 4+ 4 and decay your volume at the end of your 4 draw and breathe (making a rest where there is not)... then 5+ 5 6+ and decay your volume to breathe. Etc.
Lastly, when you feel like you need air (not all the time), open your nose while you play... this will allow air to flow in and out of the harmonica while you play and help you to breeathe somewhat normally while you play.
Give these a try and report back.