Breathing and notation
Hello again David
Reading "The Musician's Way" (great recommendation, by the way!) and the tips for preparing new materials, I've taken a step back to combine those tips, with the tips/tricks in your Breathing class (Ex.1.2 specifically) and the notation on my current study songs - to try and better prepare my practice sessions and avoid developing bad habits. ( I hadn't previously notated where I could breathe in/out and hence tend to forget until it's too late).
On Level 2 - Temperature - I replaced the 2 with a 3+ on one particular chorus (the 5th), but left it as was for the rest of the song. That worked fine.
Now on Level 3 - most of all in "Blues Creepin' Over Me" - measures 8-12 of Verse 2 have a whole string of 2s and barely a chance to empty the lungs. I could just go ahead and swap some of them out for 3+, but I'm now second guessing whether I should really do that, hence the big question:
Why is the 2 used so much when it could be replaced by the 3+ and give the player a chance to swap out the air? I suspect that further on in my studies I'll discover why and apologize for jumping the gun (maybe for easier slides, dips etc.), but ask in order to avoid developing a habit of swapping these out for ease now only to find myself slamming into a brick wall later on. Even the blues break drops to a 2 when it could easily be a 3+ and balance out the lung usage.
Thanks David
Great, I'm glad you liked the book.
Smart change with Temperature.
In "Blues Creepin' Over Me" I recommend you open your nose on the blow notes, that will make all the difference.
You can basically use 2 draw or 3+ anywhere you want, but as you mentioned, down the road, when you're using more bending, you may tend to use the 2 draw more often, since it's common to precede the 2 with a 2 draw bend (2") or follow the 2 with a 2". Since a lot of players love to bend a lot for the bluesy effect it gives, the 2 draw tends to be used more.
With this said, the 3+ is great for breath balance and the chord of the slap is a little bit bigger, so a lot of the classic blues guys used the 3+ more than one may guess.
So, in the end, it's your choice, you're not going to develop any bad habits.