Building my own echo supervamper
Hiya Kinya,
So I was going to order a marineband 364 but my local shop tells me it's a 3 month wait minimum so I was sitting in front of my desk yesterday and it hit me; 3 months is longer than the wait I have for my custom harp I ordered from sugar cain so I'll just find a echo super vamper used on ebay that still has nice cover plates, get a custom comb and order a set of reed plates from a custom guy like sugar cain or something along those lines.
So my question is the following. Do you figure I'll run into problems making the covers fit ? I'm assuming I'll have to go with a marineband style reed plate to get the cover to fit but asside from that ?
Thoughts, comments, advice, insults ?
Hi Chris, I want photos of the echo super vamper!
Your Harpsmith, Kinya