Bullet Mic for Christmas/Hannukah
Hi. I asked my wife if I could buy myself a mic, and she said yes. So, can you make a suggestion? I am on Level 4, I don't play in a band but I want the amplified sound, and around $100-$125 is my budget if possible, though maybe I can get a black Friday on a better mic to keep it at that price. I'll also need a cable. Can I play on a standard guitar amp (left over in my cellar from when my son lived here and played guitar as a teenager). Thanks.
Good idea to check out https://www.bluesharmonica.com/mics_what_you_need_know, as well. And learn about impedence output from different mics. The guitar amp's input is probably high impedence, and will work fine with a high impedence mic. Some mics out there are wired for low impedence, which may work going directly into a PA system board, but too often means really low output when plugged into a high impedence input on a guitar amp. Have fun!
I spent quite a bit of time reserching the same question. If you have the budget for it, I would go for the Hohner Harp Blaster HB52 @ $160. My understanding is that David was involved in the development of this mic which I think is awesome AND I do trust his opinion and review.
If you don't want to spend that much, I would get the Superlux D112/C Harmonica Microphone Dynamic Harmonica Microphone whidh is $69. David also has a review on this mic. I went with this one but guess I'll get a Harp Blaster at some point too. Probably would have been smarter to get the Harp Blaster from the beginning.
Good luck and Happy Holidays!!!
I suggest that you visit David's excellent Mic review section at https://www.bluesharmonica.com/mic_reviews
The SHURE 520DX Green Bullet @ $120 has been David's #1 mic for years but...
David's NEW #1 Pick is the Hohner Harp Blaster HB52 @ $160
If you visit David's https://www.bluesharmonica.com/mics_what_you_need_know
You will learn what cables used to connect your mike to your guitar amp, how to adjust the amp controls for best tone, etc.