Cateract Operation
Hi All, I am about to have an cateract removed from my eye, has anyone had experience of this and how quickly can you get back into playing. Was reading an article by a sax playing eye surgon, he said about 2 week before playing sax but harps arnt blown as hard as sax's, are they ? TIA
Hi Russell, I had cataract surgeries (both eyes) last year, and I was practicing the same night. No pain or anything. I was told to avoid heavy lifting for awhile, but otherwise no restrictions. So you probably don't want to lug heavy amps around or anything, but playing shouldn't be a problem.
The only issue for me was that there were several months between the two surgeries and then I had to wait a bit for the eyes to heal before I could get new glasses, so I had to be pretty close to read music/tabs.
As a comparison, I had more extensive eye surgeries (vitrectomies) about twenty years ago when I was in my late twenties (early-onset cataracts were in fact an expected side-effect of those) and I was on pretty heavy painkillers for several days and probably wouldn't have been able to practice if I had been playing at that point. But cataract surgery is nothing at all like that; as eye surgery goes it's about as gentle as it gets.
Hello Russel. I don't normally chime in on this part of the forum (I let the students chat here), but I happened to see your post and one of my private students is not only an ophthalmologist, but he had a lifetime of teaching ophthalmologist at Stanford University and has traveled to third world countries for many years doing field cataract surgeries where he would do many dozens of these a day. He says...
"Following cataract surgery, there are no restrictions on breathing or blowing. In my opinion it will be safe to play harmonica the day after having a a cataract removed."