chewing vibrato vs. tremelo-triggered vibrato
At the end of your vibrato lesson “Other Vibrato Types”, you say that “chewing vibrato is for the middle of a bend, not the bottom, and not the top”. My interpretation of this for the first 6 holes is: use chewing vibrato on these (middle) notes: 1’, 2’, 3’, 3”, 4’, 6’. Apply tremelo-triggered vibrato to all of the other bent and unbent notes (tops & bottoms): 1, 2, 2”, 3, 3’’’, 4, 5, and 6. Are these two lists correct? I imagine that the tremelo-triggered vibrato is the superior vibrato and is favored over the chewing vibrato, because of the ability to transition back and forth between vibrato & tremelo--something that can't be done with chewing.
Hello HarpKat. You are correct, the "tremelo-triggered vibrato" is preferred when available. What I mean by "middle" is 2' and 3", sorry, I should have been more clear on this. 3" and blow bends are the most common ones to use chewing vibrato on.