chord structure
I am getting a bit confused. I could probably work it out but maybe I am missing something fundemental. For LOA3 the Accompaniment Playing, Study 3 section....I have followed it and understand the principles and did a chart blocking in the holes for each chord. i, iV, V to see if you can just vamp along chording to a 12 bar blues using three holes blow or draw with a bit of movement.
Am I right in thinking that you can play an actual 3 notes chord for I and iV, but that it is impossible to do a three notes chord for the V because of the F#
And where does the f# come from above hole 2? Is 2 half step bend the preferred method?
Maybe I am over complicating things.
You got it dead-on... we don't chord on the V. Most players commonly improvise a single-note line or if they wish to keep the line rhythmic and large in sound, they play octave slaps and pulls (1 draw/4 draw octave for the V, commonly following it with 1+/4+ for the IV).