Chorus Form any rules?
Good afternoon David,
I've just completed L.O.A.3 and felt that I needed to really get a handle on Chorus Forms so I'm pitching in so to speak.
Couple of points that I could use some clarification on please. Firstly a lick, are there any rules that a lick has to follow, for instance must it contain all or part of a I, IV or V chord or can it be simply a short ( 1,2 or 3 bars long) musical phrase that has a nice hook/swing/feel to it? which leads onto the question, are there any notes that shouldn't be played in the same lick or phrase that woudl cause a dis-chord?
My other question is about the fill. Do the notes used for a fill have to be appropriate to the postion where is is applied within the 12 bar structure for example say my A Chorus Form lick was short and occupied only one bar (measure) and I alternated the A Chorus Form with a fill throughout the 12 bar structure so we would have Bar 1 lick Bar 2 fill etc etc, when we got to say bar 10 (bar 9 being the lick Chorus Form A) would the fill have to be made up of a IV Chord to make it sound correct, as in normal terms we would expect a IV Chord at bar 10?
Hope that makes sense David.
Thank you and kind regards
Hello Greg. Answers below...
"Firstly a lick, are there any rules that a lick has to follow, for instance must it contain all or part of a I, IV or V chord"
Your A lick is on the I Chord, so yes, it will contain mostly notes of the I Chord. At this point though, your goal is to just grab a lick that sounds cool to you and stick it in there... in most cases it will work. The safest place to grab a lick from is from the I Chord (Bars 1 through 4 for example).
"or can it be simply a short ( 1,2 or 3 bars long) musical phrase that has a nice hook/swing/feel to it?"
"which leads onto the question, are there any notes that shouldn't be played in the same lick or phrase that woudl cause a dis-chord?"
Right now don't worry about this. But, to answer your questions... sure, there are. Assuming that the lick sounds good on the I Chord, the 3 draw doesn't sound so great over the IV Chord, due to the fact that the note B (referencing a C Harmonica) is a half step away from the Bb of the IV7 Chord (C E G Bb). That's a common one. Generally speaking, a note that's a half step away from a note of a chord (if held upon) can sound bad. Simply give your lick a try using the A A A Chorus Form and see if you hear any clashes, then adjust the lick until it seems to fit well.
"Do the notes used for a fill have to be appropriate to the postion where is is applied within the 12 bar structure for example say my A Chorus Form lick was short and occupied only one bar (measure) and I alternated the A Chorus Form with a fill throughout the 12 bar structure so we would have Bar 1 lick Bar 2 fill etc etc, when we got to say bar 10 (bar 9 being the lick Chorus Form A) would the fill have to be made up of a IV Chord to make it sound correct, as in normal terms we would expect a IV Chord at bar 10?"
Fills generally happen in Bars 3 and 4, 7 and 8 and 11 and 12... all of these are on the I Chord, so no focus needs to be given in regards to matching the other chords.
Keep throwing me questions as you have them