Posted Thu, 11/04/2010 - 14:45 by hank stefaniak

Like everyone else (I think), this took a long time to get started on. Trying to come up with something original was not easy and finally took one of the lesson riffs to get going. Interesting exercise that had all kind of dimensions I never would have thought of beforehand. The foot tapping isn't as easy as I thought - and then the mic hardly picked it up. Congratulations to the others who have posted - I continue to be impressed with and inspired by your playing.
Madcat's comments:
Nice light-hearted jaunt - quite pleasant
Thanks for taking the time - man, what a thrill to realize that the judges like you have listened and commented on our playing and composing. Another building block to work from!! Thanks to all four of you and David for creating this idea!!
Very nice composition that showcases the strengths of the instrument. I was enjoying it from beginning to end. Work towards getting the sections more seamless sounding. The masters at this style were able to almost trick the ear into hearing the chording rhythm going on even when it wasn't. JF
Thanks Joe
Thanks Joe for taking the time to listen and comment. Now back to working on "the trick". This is such a thrill to have artists such as you to listen to our stuff and make constructive comments.
Comments - Tom Ball
Very moody and atmospheric opening. From a composition standpoint this is strong – it lays out in a logical fashion and is, in fact, a chug. Tongue splits are executed well. A few of the faster single-note licks seemed to falter slightly, but not enough to spoil the show. I like it.
Thanks Tom
Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment Tom. Yeah - gotta keep working at the articulation of the faster stuff!! Still on track to the 10,000 hrs to master this stuff. Just hope I make it ;-)
Comments - David Barrett
The opening is nicely timed and executed. Nice chording idea. I like the theme at :30. I like how you go back to the chugging rhythm between each new theme. Each theme is also nicely developed... this is where most others have fallen short and you did a great job with this. Nice to hear you go up high at 1:40. The diminuendo at 2:10 could have been more smooth... it was a bit abrupt for my taste. Great to hear your main melody come back at the end and I like how you closed the song out.
Thanks David - interesting to work on something so different, leave it for a while and then come back and listen while reading the comments. This has been another growth experience. Like the others, I appreciate what you have done and are doing for us!!
Good Work!
I love the way you incorporated the lesson riffs and built from that, great job!!
Well Executed
It's really interesting to hear how you took one riff and explored so many different aspects of it. I think some of the best songs out there, take a central idea, develop it as much as they can and then add different textures to it. Your intro and outro are very atmospheric and your song really moves along well and stays chugging along. Great stuff! :)
Really good
That sounds really good! Lots of great ideas Hank!
Like it!
That's excellent, Hank. The intro's really atmospheric, the slaps and flutters sound cool and it has a very strong main rhythm holding it all together. Great stuff!
Great Work Hank-it really does Chug a long & I really loved the light touches of the higher notes-lovely!
Excellent slaps and flutters in there and a nice melody! Originality is tricky, as you say, but you've put your stamp on this!