The Click
Mon, 11/19/2012 - 21:28
Hi David
Study 2 Solo Harmonica When using the Metronme when do I time the " Click " Ex 1.5 first line the ( + 3 Click ) 3 4 ( + 5 is the next click )
In Ex: 1.6 the first line click is on the 321 draw than click on 2 + Not really sure where should the Clicks be ? on the +'s
1.5 = 3+ is on the upbeat (and of 3), with the 3 draw on the down of the 4th beat and the 4 draw after the 5+ is the downbeat of the bar (beat 1).
1.6 = 123 is beat 1... 123 blow is beat 2... 123 is beat 3... then the triplet passage starts on beat 4.
Listen carefully to the recorded example I provide on this site... this will help a lot. Best wishes on your studies!