Clip on magnifier
Hi Kinya,
In your videos you are wearing what looks like a magnifier that clips onto your glasses. I don't see a clip on listed in your PDF. Can you share what clip-ons you use and where to get them? I found a few but with mixed reviews.
Guys any more recommendations?
I bought this from ebay a while back. Its cheap and cheerfull the led lights help.
Thanx Gnat!
Remember, if your reeds don't appear as large as a Buick Skylark--you require magnification!
Your Harpsmith, Kinya
Dear Kinya
I am going to buy
3.5x Magnification, 4" Focal Length that means I need to keep the reeds 4 inches away from my eyes . Isn't 3.5 magnification too much? Will that product do good to me? or should I buy less magnification?
Never mind you probably are busy and it will take a lot of time to get reply so I went ahead and placed my order any way :)
This should work fine for you. Donegan has a good rep ...
Your Harpsmith, Kinya
Hi Larry
The clip on magnifier you saw me wearing on the Harp Tech Series was given to me from my Dentist. He purchased it from:
There are numerous suppliers out there in cyber space. In fact, I saw our friend Jon Harl with a terrific clip on magnifier.
Hey Jon, where did you get your "Jeepers Creepers"?
Your Harpsmith,