Comment..on Instruction
I just watched the Tom Ball interviews. I have to admit I had no knowlege of him or his work till now.
He described teaching himself the harp from the ground up... before the days of books on harmonica..or even finding teachers. I dont know how he did it , his motivation must have been unearthly.
I know I could not do it.
I really liked Tom.. and as always your interviews are so helpful for all of us as students.
Thank you for making learning the harmonica so much easier than for those who had to suffer so much before high speed internet. Who would ever know that such technology would exist just a few short years ago?.
Its a miracle!
You are the best..
You're very kind. That's the beauty of my job... there was nothing when I started... so it was an open field for me to explore and write books on every subject imaginable in regards to blues harmonica... this site being the culmination of 20 years of teaching experience... thanks for being a student!