Confused about how everything in key of C
I'm working on accompliemtnt study 2 looking at 1.11 I have an a harmonica. 3 blow on a harmonica is E, yet the study is saying 3 blow is G. I understand 3 blow on C harmonica is G but in the example we are playing we are using an A harmonica.
Ive heard you say things like at blue harmonica we always use the key of C or something like that.
Can you explian what is going on?
I have a good grasp of music threory and looking at sheet music which is saying i'm playing notes I know i'm not playing is confsuing.
Thanks so much!
"On the study song Im using an A harp, second position so I am playing in the key of E (hope I have that this time)."
Yes, you are correct. Forget about the fact that you're on an A Harmonica. Think as if you're using a C Harmonica the entire time... all of it works out. Don't worry about the resulting performance key... as long as you use your harmonica position chart to make sure you and the band are using the correct key together you're good.
This topic is covered extensively in the Music Theory Study lessons, specifically Music Theory Study 2 (but of course make sure to study the first lesson).
Yes, David Im still getting this internalized. On the study song Im using an A harp, second position so I am playing in the key of E (hope I have that this time). The music tells me 3 blow which is a E, yet the note on the stanza is a G. This is playing tricks with my head as is the fact that the key of E which has 4#s. When I look at the stanza it looks like key of C. Then I understand you saying all our music theory is based on C harp.