Crossover change
I've been ordering new harps as you've introduced pieces in new keys and I have decided to stick with the crossovers. A new one arrived in C for Take it Easy, and I was surprised to see that compared to the crossover I ordered last year, the comb had been significantly rounded off on each hole. While this is smoother on the lips, for a beginner/intermediate student like me it introduced a potential source of air leakage when tongue blocking-which is mostly all I do now. Have you heard about this from any other students? Is it possible to order a model that has the older style comb? I can send a pic, but wasn't sure how to attach it to this message.
Hello Dan. I have not encountered this. To get this specific of a request you'll want to work with a harmonica-centric mail order house like or for example. Tell them what you're looking for and maybe take a picture of the harp you prefer and the other model for comparison so that they can search their stock to help you out.