Wed, 11/11/2015 - 00:23
Hi David,
I'm having some trouble with decaying my volume on long notes. It seems like I decay until about a third of the volume I played the note, then even though I'm still trying to play it very quietly, the sound just stops.
I saw in one of your tips of the day that it only needs to be quiet enough to disappear into the band. But sometimes the band is playing quietly or even stopped, and it's quite obvious.
Any tips?
Morning Jeremy. You're right, the last 1/3 is the most challenging... just keep practicing it, it will come.
P.S., the better the harp is set up, the easier this is. This is the primary reason why people work on their own harmonicas or purchase custom harmonicas... to have more control in the lower dynamic ranges. Try experimenting with the lessons by Kinya Pollard on setting up your harps (practice on a dead harp first to develop your technique).