dip bends
Ok, I've been trying to take what I've learned here and put it to active and practical use in song context. (what good to bend if i can't do it efficiently in context of song?)
of late, I've been st trying to relearn some old songs and learn news ones making use of dip bends for embellishments. now that I've made some progress, dip bending draw holes 2 through 6 anytime I come upon a convenient draw note, I've begun to second guess myselfl?
my question: are dip bends of the 2 through 6 draw notes mostly used in certain plance, i.e. in certain chords as in ! or !V for example? or can they be used anywhare you want to emphasize or embellish a note?
use them wherever they sound good. Experiment by recording yourself with a backing track and then listen back.
One common way to employ them is on the last beat of the bar, reaching the unbent note on the following strong first beat, especailly if a new chord arrives on that beat. For instance, going to the IV chord, you play a Draw 2 2-semitone bend on the last beat of the I chord, and raise it to unbent as the new chord arrives. That note is a strong note in both the I and the IV chords, and that move could be use to arrive at either one.
Likewise, doing a dip bend on Draw 4 could be used to introduce the arrival of either the V chord or the I chord.
All the bendable notes can be dip bent to resolve on the first beat, whether or not ushering in a new chord.
Try playing a dip bend so that it resolves on the first, second, third, and even fourth beat of the bar. Each placement will have a different effect.