Draw v Blow Pulls
David Hi. Im working on study song The Split (really enjoying it) but wanted assurance that a draw pull rather than a blow pull was not only acceptable to you but did not negatively change the tune. I am referring to chorus 1,2,7,8 measures 3 and 6. Also changing the draw pull to a blow pull in chorus 3 measures 5 and 6. Whilst I can manage these last two measures I find the blow less of a tongue twister if I stick to blow pulls.
I did follow up on your lesson with Ryan where you indicated the switch chorus 1,2,7,8 measures 3 and 6 was fine. If these changes are best played as written I will persist but didn’t want to wheel spin if the changes were OK. Appreciate your comments.
Understandable. I play what I feel sounds best. With that said, in many cases, changing the breathing for a pull is just fine (the pull tends to be a more subtle rhythmic technique most of the time). Sometimes the change sounds strange to me. It really is a preference... just keep doing what you're doing.
That change is fine John. I notated what felt natural to me... you play what feels natural to you. You may also want to record yourself (slow tempo)... playing it both ways, and then decide if you have a preference of one way or the other. In the end, it's how it sounds to you.