Drum beat on Garage Band
Ive used Garage Band for recording. I just stumbled on the fact that there are standard drum beats in there. Not much documentaiton available. Has anyone got guidance on how to get a drum beat for slow or fast blues? What Ive tried so far makes no sense for our music.
This is based on Garageband for Mac, 10.3.4.
You've probably discovered that there are different drummers. I suggest R&B > Benny. Make sure that the editor displays, so you can see the drum set. Press the e key (or View > Show Editor) to bring up the editor. Set swing to 8th and 70%. There is some more tinkering that you might reasonably do, but this should get you something that sounds OK.
Logic Pro X also has pre-made "Drummer" beats. But they all seem to be oriented to rock and pop. No shuffles, no reggae, no latin, etc. I've looked to see if anyone is making aftermarket versions that fit the Drummer model (which includes alternatives for different sections of a song), but no luck.