Duplicate: Bending with tongue block, air passes to the right of tongue
Mon, 09/03/2018 - 05:09
Duplicate: Forum admin PLEASE DELETE (I'm sorry, but I don't find anything to delete the duplicate by myself)
Hello David,
when I try to bend with the tongue block technique it feels like almost all of the air passes to the right of the tongue so that raising the tongue in the middle or the back has almost no effect (At least not enough to achieve a full bend, which works quite ok when I'm puckering). What am I doing wrong?
I would be glad if you could help
Best regards
Hello uWeb. The air travels from the right, but then quickly centers on the tongue before it goes to the area needed for the bend. When doing the MRI images you see in Bending Study 1, I saw that where the bend happens is in the center, exactly the same as when puckering.