Ear Training Lessons?
Hi David,
Are there any lessons on the website or do you have any tips on ear training? I've watched the Ryan Walker videos with various techniques for figuring out the key of a song, but it seems like my big problem is actually hearing the match between my harp and the song. So I find it difficult to determine if I'm correct or not. This evening I've been working through Hoodoo Man Blues and "checking my answers" on this website--http://www.spotontrack.com/album/hoodoo-man-blues/69920--but I'm not certain if those are accurate keys and I'm having trouble determining that with just my ears. Any suggestions?
Thanks much
Here's a listing that Lance Hetzler and I put together https://www.harmonicamasterclass.com/collections
The "Hole Changes" exercise that you've been doing is killer ear training. Accompaniment Study 5 is the best one, which is what you're studying right now. Make sure after playing the hole numbers that you focus on playing based on the notes, and ultimately the chord tones. This is part of your study, so no need to invent it, you'll be doing this in conjunction with your music theory.