Electro voice
Posted Fri, 06/24/2011 - 06:42 by Wheel

Hello everybody! It's really interesting try to record something own, not Little Walter, Sonny Boy or any other great harpman, but your own. But I tried to be based on tradition in my playing.
I've called this tune "electrovoice"because my favourite mic is electrovice re10. :)
Backing track was made by my friend Sergei, thanks a lot for him.
Greetings from Ukraine to all of you :)
CH1 - Nice opening lick... very cool / nice sequence for the IV7 / you didn't go back to A on the I7 (bars 7 and 8)?... It's too busy for a head, not repetitive enough for a main theme of a song.
CH2 - Nice ideas here and theme development
CH3 - Nice range and GREAT dynamics here
CH4 - Wow, VERY hip lick, why didn't you come back to it on the I7? you didn't like it enough?
CH5 - Powerful licks here... nice quote at the end
CH6 - Head
VERY nice playing here. My suggestion to you is to use the A B/A C Chorus Form more, many of your ideas would have fit into that perfectly. Also, you're using too much movement around the harmonica... each chorus has too much use of the range, it's better served in a song to not play the entire range too early, give the listener something get surprised over, like I speak of in Improvising Studies 2 and 7. So, more repetition, less noodling, more purposeful about your use of range. Keep working on these ideas, I feel there are some mind-blowingly great blues harmonica instrumentals to be written in your future!
Thansk a lot!
Hello, David. Thanks a lot for listening and such informative comments!
I'll try to answer you :) Your words are true and next time I'll try to follow all your recomendations. :)
1. CH1. I've tried to make first part catchy then make a bridge between last part of the ch1. On the last part of the solo I've tried to mark the lick that I will develop and use in the other parts of the instr.
2. Ch2. Here in the end of the ch I put variations on the lick from the end of the ch1.
3. Ch3. Again variations on the lick from the first part in the end :)
4. That's a very difficult question why I did not use it again :) I've tried to add some dynamic changes and unfortunatly did not play it. :)
I need to say that on the moment of recording I was inspired by great sax players like Illinois Jacquet, Lester Young, Coleman Hawkins so may be my range jumps goes from trying to be like them.
Thanks a lot again and again!!
P.S. Sorry for my English :)
Good job!
You've got a big sound, good technique and you know how to vary your tones and textures. You've also got some pretty unique phrasing ideas. As you said, "not Little Walter, Sonnyboy or any other great harpman" Personally, I dug the way you used the "One O'clock Jump" lick on the V. It works musically and when you use it in that spot, it becomes a nice surprise rather than a cliche.
Thank you Rick! Your comment
Thank you Rick! Your comment means a lot for me and your words make me happy :)
Overall a delight!
Watch out for these Europeans-they're showing their stuff now & passing us by! Liked the opening chorus. Really good execution throughout-good use of ideas & plenty of licks at your disposal. You have your own style BIG TIME! I did feel the One Oclock Jump lick would have worked much better on the 1 or 4 chord then on the 5 chord at 1:55. Overall-mission accomplished. A delight indeed!
Hello, Mark! Thank you for
Hello, Mark! Thank you for your kind words and listening to my music! I really appreciate it! It's a big pleasure to recieve comment from you because my playin grew on records of the american musicians and yours too :).
Damn - that's a great tone! This is a great track dripping with cool ideas - really cool.
Hello, jodanchudan. I really
Hello, jodanchudan. I really love your tone too. It's unique and very tasty! Thank you for the comment :)
Fat Tone
Great fat tone, you made that cheap solid state Fender sound like a Bassman.
You can clearly hear all the different techniques you use. Great entry Wheel!!
Thank you that you listen and
Thank you that you listen and comment my entry! :) What a great and friendly harp community! :)
Great flavour!
Excellent track Wheel! Great tone, nice fat sound in parts and melodic in others. Shuffles all the way to the fadeout with nothing overstated but always interesting. The influences are there and so is your own sound. Cool!
Thank you, Rob! It's a
Thank you, Rob! It's a pleasure to read such comment from one of the real Chug King! :) Thank you so much!
Loved it!
Great sound, loved the backing track, loved the rhythm-had a lovely light quality-quality playing!
Thank you Patricia. it's a
Thank you Patricia. it's a pleasure to read such comment :)
Great Playing
This is really nice. You have a fantastic tone. I like the head, and how everything flows. The fadeout is nice too, as Hank already mentioned.
Thank you very much for your
Thank you very much for your comment! I tried to record something interesting and fun to the listener :)
Impeccable recording quailty,
Impeccable recording quailty, sounds like a harpking rig at times - you shuffled that groove all the way to next week...I wonder how acoustic harp would sound with that killer back track?
Thank you! It was recorded by
Thank you! It was recorded by Audacity by my shure 545 that connected to the notebook mic :)) through cheap solid state fender "bullet dsp" amp :)
Nice fat tone - tongue rolls
Nice fat tone - tongue rolls worked well - like the rhythmic patterns you use - cool fade out at end!! Liked it!!
Thank you Hank!
Thank you Hank! I really appreciate your comment!