Hello Dave,
You always mention that it is important to study the songs from famous artists,
I am just wondering if you know any website where I can find the music notation for those songs.
Thank you very much!
Hello Rafa. Here are two transcription books available in the market...
1) Masters of the Blues Harp http://www.halleonard.com/product/viewproduct.action?itemid=690181&
2) Blues Harmonica Collection https://www.amazon.com/Blues-Harmonica-Collection-Leonard-Corp/dp/079351...
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Hello Rafa. Here are two transcription books available in the market...
1) Masters of the Blues Harp http://www.halleonard.com/product/viewproduct.action?itemid=690181&
2) Blues Harmonica Collection https://www.amazon.com/Blues-Harmonica-Collection-Leonard-Corp/dp/079351...