The Flutter
Mon, 06/10/2024 - 10:08
The flutter is a challenge when putting it into a piece of music I'm trying to count beats and make my flutter consistant like a trmelo or vibrato and it feels like I,m trying to walk at one pace and juggle at another.I know when done properly it sounds different than a tremelo or vibrato but it feels real awkward and ive been working on it for a while.I know its supposed to be like multiple slaps but that does not sound right to me.
HELP!! Thanks
Hello Fastfreddy.
Like tremolo/vibrato, the rhythm is supposed to float (not locked to a beat). Focus on performing the flutter at a speed that is pleasing to you, but don't focus on hitting a specific number per beat.
In regards to technique, it is the slapping motion. They key element of the flutter is to use an extremely light touch on the face of the harmonica with your tongue. If you need to press your tongue on the face of the harmonica to cover all of the needed holes, then place the harmonica deeper in your mouth (a tilt of the face downwards also helps), so you cover more of the face of the harmonica with wider part of the tongue, deeper in the mouth. This is the same technique for standard tongue blocking and slaps, but students often forget that advice and press hard with their tongue on the face of the harmonica (though cumbersome, this will still work, but the flutter will call out that flaw in your techique).