Gapping and tuning approach
Mon, 08/31/2015 - 11:35
Hi Kynya! I wondered what was your approach with regards to tuning and gapping, i.e. should one come first or it does not matter, can we skip one (like only tune and be fine) or are both required. I ask because I have Richerd Sleigh book in which he really insists on the importance of "shaping" the reed (adjusting the curve), then adjusting the offset of the reed BEFORE tuning. Do you see things the same way?
Hello Stef, it's good to hear from you.
Yes, Richard, myself, and most harp techs see it that way. Reeds are spring metal that can be fussy when handled--e.g. reed shaping (gapping, curling, profiling). Do yourself a favor and shape first, then tune. You'll thank me in the morning ;o)
Your Harpsmith, Kinya