Garage band and amazing slow down
I am a very new beginner and feeling my way around harmonca playing, so does garage band do everything that the amazing slow downer does? if so why get amazing slow downer.
peter southwell (Sydney Australia)
For what it's worth I use Garage Band to record but I use a program called AnyTune to disect songs. AnyTune is similar to the amazing slowdowner. I'ts very intuitive and will easily link to your iTunes library so you can pull in any song you want. You can also mark areas in the song you want to focus on, loop them, and save them.
Thank you for your suggestion rstgelais.
Welcome to the site Peter. You can use Garage Band, via cut and paste, to do loops, but it will take more time. I am not familiar with Garage Band enough to know if it can slow down a song without changing its pitch (a key feature of AS). If your research shows that it can, then GB may be fine. Let me know what you find out, and how intuitive it is. AS is very intuitive/easy to use.