Gary's Blues - long held notes
Sat, 03/25/2023 - 01:03
Hello David,
In 3rd chorus, the long held notes at the start of each line last for a whole bar and 3 beats as you say in the video. So the next note is played on the 4th beat right ?
What about the long held note in the 5th chorus, 5 chord ? It's the same length of time but the next note comes a bit earlier right ? It's on the upbeat after 3 ? So same count but start a bit ealier ? Any tips on how to count that ? It's quite challenging for me.
Hello miggyb00gie
1) "So the next note is played on the 4th beat right?" correct
2) "It's on the upbeat after 3 ?' correct again. Hole that 4/5 combo for one bar and then count 1 2 3 and then play the next note after 3, but before 4.
Loop those suckers and count them out without playing first... this will help you to internalize what you need to do.