HarpGear Amps
I don't see too much chatter here about HarpGear. I know David is an endorser for MegaTone amps and I will someday fork over the cash to get one of those as well, but I would like to say, I am trying out the new HarpGear Hurricane amp. Quite impressive. I love the tone and with a built in reverb it is fantastic.
It is loosely modelled after a Fender Princeton Reverb. Cudos to Brian Purdy at HarpGear. It is a great addition to the line up.
I also have a double trouble of his but it doesn't hold a candle to the Hurricane in my mind.
Cheers all.
I've been playing through a HarpGear 35 (2x10" speekers) & I think it's great for straight blues...for the stuff I play anyhow.
Id like to try the hurricane. I purchased a HG35 in a pawn shop and I really didnt care for it. Sold it and got myself a bassman.
Hows the reverb on feedback? Did you notice a difference? How deep(low frequency) was the reverb?