Harrison Harmonica in the Ultrasonic?
Am I safe to assume, after reading your excellent review of the B-Rad Harmonica in "Harmonica Sessions", that it is safe/OK to cleanse my Harrison Harmonica in the ultrasonic cleanser?
You say the the comb is made of COMPREG,and will not swell or become distorted by moisture, so I'm assuming it's OK to do it.
Or, are the other factors that might make it not advisable?
Thanx Jim,
Well alright then ... don't let that stop you from disassembling your B-Radical and cleaning all the metal components.
Yo Ho Total Jim,
I have cleaned numerous composite combs with the ultrasonic method and "never" have distorted the combs as a result of this cleaning strategy. If it were my B-Radical I would do it. If you are uncomfortable with trying it on your harmonica, give Harrison Harmonicas a call and ask for Brad or Michael (815) 516-5378. Let me know ...