Head movement
Hi David ,
I very rarely video myself playing harmonica due to being Blind don't see the point, to me its about the sound I can emulate and if it's close to the recordin. But the other day I did and have noticed just how much I move my head. But now I have opened up that can of worms by recording myself it is bugging me . Any suggestions on how to stop . Thanks
Tony Taylor
Okay, then move the way that feels natural to you.
I'm glad you like Buffett Line, it's a fun song. Yes, definitely learn the song slowly first, speeding it up over time. Enjoy the song.
Hello Tony. I agree that it's about the sound you create. I feel that we should move in whichever way we feel is natural and authentic. With this said, it is smart for performers to video record themselves to look how they move and act visually and make what they feel are positive changes. If you think your head movement is distracting from the visual side of the music, tone the movement down a touch. If you do this for yourself, and you don't care what others think, then don't change!