HEADS UP Harp Techs!
Wed, 10/23/2024 - 15:49
HEADS UP Harp Techs!
For all new HOHNER (Diatonic) Harmonicas, you will need to add one more tool to your bench.
Up until recently--to avoid stripping the screw heads--the cover plate fasteners (binding post screws) required a Pozi Screwdriver (Wiha 262 PZ1 X 60).
The new cover plate fasteners--similar to those used on the new Golden Melody Harmonica, require a six-lobe TORX screwdriver. Specifically the T7
This is easy to locate with your internet search.
Didn't need to search internet. Instead searched my totally disorganized tool drawer. And found a nice little set with TORX 1 through 8. So Hohner can't catch me with my toolbox down.
Haven't seen anything from Hohner about this change, but will there be any changes to how the covers on other models are set up? E.g., it appears on the new Golden Melody that the cover plates have sides that overlap, and are secured with TORX screws that go into sleeves built into the harmonica, rather than into closed-end nuts a la all of Hohner's other diatonic models.
And will older-style screws and nuts fit in the new harps. I.e., will the comb hole diameters remain the same?
For folks who patronize Rockin' Ron's Music in San Diego, Ron sends a TORX bit along with each Golden Melody order. Don't know if any other dealers, brick-and-mortar or internet, are doing this.
And whle it's great that Hohner innovates, sometimes it's a plus, and sometimes not. Haven't played the new Golden Melody, and based on reviews I've seen, don't plan to. Sticking with my standard mixed collection of Marine Band Deluxes, Blues Harps, and Rockets (including my two great Harpsmith Rockets).