Hearing Protection
Wondering what kind of experience people have had with various ear protection devices. There is a dizzying array of brands and types out there. Some claim to be "high-fidelity," all claim to be comfortable, ranging from cheap foam plugs (effective, but not so comfortable or high fidelity), to expensive custom-made mold types.
What types have you used that you like, hate, or tolerate?
(And if you haven't been using them, and you're playing or listening in an amplified setting, I highly recommend that you start using SOMETHING...hearing loss is cumulative...the younger you are, the more loss you are likely to have between now and the time you're old like me, if you aren't protecting yourself!
good topic to discuss! when you add up the thousands of dollars we all spend on custom harps, custom amps and every thing else, any money spent on hearing protection is worth every penny. I went to an audiologist who works with musicians. for 200.00 dollars I got molded plugs that reduce the high end decibels by about 20 %. they are great when listening to a band. you can hear so much better because the harsh highs of guitar or cymbals is reduced. you can hear keyboard and vocals much better. do it! dan w