Hohner Special 20 v Marine Band Crossover
I purchased a Hohner Special 20 and signed up for your 30 day trial. I can already tell I am going to enjoy playing harmonica and plan on signing up on your site for continued lessons.
I see that to continue the next harmonica I need is in key of A. I also see that you recomend the Marine Band Crossover. So my question is since I already have a Special 20 in C, should I just stick with that for A. I am concerned that by switching to a different harmonica it may will be confusing to me as a beginner. I am not worried about the cost difference, I just want to make sure I am not accidently making things harder for me by having 2 different harmonicas that might play a bit differently.
Hopefully my question makes sense. Any thoughts on the topic would be appreciated.
Thank you
Kurt Thompson
Hello Kurt, welcome to the site. Most players experiment with models until they find the one they like the most, then buy a set. With this said... yes, moving from one model to the other can be a little bit challenging for new players, but for most it's not that big of a deal.