Hohner super chromonica.
Tue, 04/08/2014 - 08:56
Hi there,
I have been practising with this chromatic harmonica and I find very difficult to get a good sound from the hole 2 draw (F note). the other holes sounds good, this hole instead makes a closed sound and it is impossible to slap it when I draw it. Is there anything I can check in the instrument ?
Is this your first chromatic?
If so, it's probably not the harmonica. Hole 2 draw on both chromatic and diatonic often chokes up on new players until they learn how to get the note to sound clearly.
Is it the harmonica? Try this test:
If both notes choke, it's more likely you than the harp.While it's possible that both reeds are maladjusted, it's extremely unlikely.
If only the slide-out note sounds bad, it might be the harp. The reed may have some debris stuck in it, or may be misaligned in its slot. or the valve may be stuck.
To get this note to sound:
If you can hear your breathing, you need to make it glide silently by removing obstructions and opening up the airflow so that you're not obstructing or dragging it (obstructed air flow is what makes the noise and also what makes the note choke).
Try this:
Keep your mouth and throat in the yawn formation, but close your mouth enough to play a single note on Draw 2. Play the note very gently.
Work on this until you can get the note to sound clearly.
Hope this helps.