Holding and Cupping the Mic
David, I'm spending a lot more time now practicing amplified, but I'm struggling a bit with the mic.
I have a JT-30 Hohner Blues Blaster with the XLR connector. I'm not sure that I'm holding it correctly. I've watched your videos, but I have a couple of questions:
First, should the harp be centered over the face of the mic? Typically with my hold, I have holes 1 - 6 over the face of the mic, with 7 - 10 hanging off of the edge.
Second, if holes 7 - 10 are hanging off of the edge of the mic, how can you get the same tone when playing those notes that you do when you are playing lower on the harp? When I'm playing high, my sound seems to have much less bottom and less depth because I'm not playing directly into the mic as I am with the lower holes.
Third, this thing is cramping up my right hand. Am I right that most of the holding of the harp and the mic when cupping is done by the right hand? I'm holding this thing so tight that the screw flange is biting into the fleshy part of the base of my thumb, and my wrist is getting sore very quickly. Sometimes, my hand is even getting numb.
What am I doing wrong? Should I consider switching to a smaller mic, or tough it out?
1) The mic does not need to be centered on the harp. What you're doing is correct.
2) Play louder... you can't achieve the same fullness of tone on the high-end because they are higher in pitch. You can slap... that will sound more full. You can also pay octaves... this sound really full.
3) Try placing your palms together FIRST, then cupping. It takes about a year to feel comfortable using a mic... keep at it!
4) No, keep using that mic, you'll get used to it.