Hole 1 draw problem - can't play it loud
i have a problem with the hole 1 draw: i can't play it loud.
I put my tongue the lower possible and drop my jar the max i can, to get a good tune. But the sound in hole 1 draw isnt as loud as the other draw holes.
Wheun i close a litle bit my mouth, in other words, when i don't drop the jar the max neither put my tongue the lower possible, I can play the hole 1 draw louder, but the tune ins't as good.
So i have to choose between playing hole 1 draw loud with poor tune or playing it low with good tune. It happens in several harmonica (A, Bb, C...)
How can I play loud with good tune ?
The problem is my technic or my harmonicas ?
Thanks !
If it happens with different harmonicas, it probably is not the harmonica.
Maybe you are leaking air when you play the note. If that is true, then you need to seal your lips and tongue better on the harp. But if the note bends when you do that, you may be convering part of the hole.
Hole 1 is different from every other hole because there are no holes to the left of it. You have the end of the harp and then - nothing.
So, if you are tongue blocking, and you are playing Hole 1 with the right corner of your mouth, the left corner may not be on the harmonica - it's out there in the air.
What do do? There are three possibilities.