Hopefully not an out of place question
First let me start by saying that I love these lessons, as far as I have gotten. I am still on the Blues Harmonica Fundamentals as I am taking my time. I have added the Tongue Blocking exercise (Ex. 1 – Single Notes 4+ 4 5+ 5...) to my 123 blow draw exercise and the trouble I am having is that when introduce my tongue to the party by blocking I am not sure if I am hitting the note right. I do not have a Piano or any other instrument and I need to have a comparison note, "What does my 4+ sound like as opposed to what it should sound like?"
I have my own "Milk-Carton' Tongue Blocking tool but this would really be helpful. Some program either online or an app I can download to my Android Phone would be awesome.
Thank you so very much for any information you might have and for making these great lessons available.
Robert Andrade
**Oh yes. I am using an 'A' Harmonica.**
Hello Robert, welcome to the site. I'm glad you're enjoying your studies. Here are some ways to know which hole you're on...
1) Listen to my recording and compare to see that you match
2) Use a tuner app... a "chromatic" tuner will tell you what note you're playing. Print out the chart "Harmonica Chart [All Keys].pdf" on this page https://www.bluesharmonica.com/lessons/understanding_position_playing You'll need this chart so that you can look at your A Harmonica notes to know exactly what pitch each hole is. Note that I have a short lesson on how to use a tuner here https://www.bluesharmonica.com/equipment
3) Use Harp Ninja... this is the easiest of tools and will be extremely helpful when you start to learn how to bend. Again, there is a lesson here https://www.bluesharmonica.com/equipment on it