How do you know when a reed is blown?
My C harp I've had the longest but I don't play particularly rough with it. I just took it apart 3 times because the 3 draw works one minute and then isn't vibrating the next. There's nothing inside, I wiped some of the dried spit off the comb with some isopropol alcohol and made sure the reed can still move, but it doesn't look as springy as the ones nearby.
How can I tell if the reed is blown out or can I try bending the reed back to get it more springy again? Where can I go to get a new reed if it needs one?
Take the cover plates off and plink it. If it doesn't sound nice and springly like the others that aren't in question, it's dead.
P.S. It's doing it on my newest harp now on the same 3 draw. Is it something about the tongue draw method that's gathering spit in that hole? I can play it fine in pucker but have to go at it a few times to clear it out, once it decides to lock up on me.