How to implement speed runs?
I've been practicing some speed runs/ pattern playing (out of Winslow's Dummies book and your Rock Harmonica book). These patterns are fun to play, but how does a guy implement these speed runs in a solo?Imagine I get two 12 bar choruses (the standard for a jam around here). I'm not interested in doing 24 bars of a blazing fast solo, because that would get tired quickly, so how could I use a short burst of speed in a tasteful way? Maybe play the first 12 bars with some longer notes to build, then do a four bar speed run over the I, and then finish out that chorus?
I can think of so many guys who do extended runs with a lot of speed, but can you point to exemplary players who use it as a spice for just 4-8 bars at a time?
Good evening Marc. You are correct, speed runs are generally best when used sparingly. In most cases a speed run is just going to be a couple of beats to two measures in length.
The challenge is now for you to experiment where you can place these runs, especially how you get into and out of them. Though a speed run can be used anywhere, try Bars 7 and 8, or 9 and 10, or 11 and 12... all these areas are two bars in length, so experimenting in that part of the form will allow you to keep your ideas short.
It's also easier at first to copy other players' complete solos that contain speed licks you like, this way you can copy the speed lick, know where it's placed and know what licks get the player into and out of them.