How to work on time. My time is just the worst.
Mon, 11/05/2018 - 15:19
My timing is awful, just the worst.
To get better at it, I've been going back through your Solo Harmonica studies. I spend about 10 minutes a day with a metronome, doing different solo harmonica patterns from the studies, going at different tempos.
I have also been doing some work with scales, doing scale patterns in eighths, triplets and sixteenths at different tempos.
What else should I do to improve my time?
Hello Marc. Those are all good exercises.
I highly recommend you focus on doing transcriptions, using standard music notation. Use a notation program that can swing the playback, so that you can have the computer play back what you wrote, to see how well it matches what you were trying to write down. This is something that helped my timing very much.
Sight-reading music is also extremely helpful. Start with simple folk melodies (in 1st or 2nd Po), getting more advanced over time. You can buy music books that say "C Score," this way you can focus on just reading with a C Harmonica.