I want you with me v2
Dave Hi. As you have said this lesson is 5 minutes of accompaniment heaven. I am really enjoying it. My question is when I try to match the provided recording with the music sheet I find a difference. At 2.07 minutes the vocal verse in bar 7 and 8 with the 343 434 (very nice) string the music ends that lick with what sounds like the 3 draw but the music sheet has it as a 4 draw as the last note of the string. In the 8th bar in the music sheet there is a single note, 3 draw (lead in to the 9th ?) but that has not been tabulated and I am assuming that is what I am hearing. Can you explain the significance of that if any?
Glad you're enjoying it John. Good ear. Looking at the music notation you'll see there is a quarter note B in the music notation at the end, and that is what I play, but not in the TAB. I write the music notation (I don't personally use the TAB) and then the TAB (it's not automatic, I have to type it in), so in this case I missed writing the TAB. I'll update the file, thanks for letting me know.