I Want You .. v2
Mon, 01/05/2015 - 06:24
In LOA 4 the v2 of this accompaniment has its first guitar solo starting at 1:17. The harmonica plays a two bar pattern that's repeated in bar 3 but bar 4 goes into a shake instead. The entire original pattern is repeated over the IV chord. But when we come back to the I for bars 7 and 8 the pattern is reversed. Was this done deliberately? My tendency is to want to stick with the original pattern. Playing the triplet ending twice in a row seems a bit off to me but I'm willing to learn! Thanks!
Good morning SmokeJS. The shake in Bar 4 is there to lead to the IV Chord. The repeating of the 2+ 3+ 2+ pattern in Bar 7 felt right as a phrasing pattern to help build momentum to the V Chord. Even though we're accompanying, we're also phrasing in a way that makes our patterns interesting by themselves, as well as help create motion to lead into chord change. Your approach is valid as well, there are many options.