importing jam track to garage band 10.3 on the Mac
Hello David. I am really enjoying my studies so far. I tried to follow the instructions on the site to import the jam track MP3 from lesson one "Walk with Me" into Garage Band on my iMac. Unfortunately Garage band is a bit more complicated now than shown in the lesson.
I have tried click and dragging the file to the track section but it will not copy. I have also tried to use the View browser but my files do not appear there. Are you familiar with the updated Garage Band? Perhaps another student might be able to assist fi you don't use the Mojave, etc. .
Currently I run macOS Mojave version 10.14.4 and Garage Band 10.3.2.
On my imac running high Sierra I just create a new track (as a ”real instrument “) and then drag the jam track mp3 from finder and drop into the window where the track progress bars are displayed. Works all the time although you u might have to position the new track flush to the left. Hope this helps.
Glad to help.
Hello Caitlin. I'm sorry, I am not familiar with Garage Band. Try posting this to the General part of the forum... there must be some users of GB on there. Sorry that I can't help you.