inhale tremolo...
Hello David; I've lost my ability to do a tremolo on the inhale and partially on the exhale all of a sudden! I might get a couple inhale "coughs", or a few more on the exhale using the throat muscles, then it changes to a diaphram type breathing. It was fine a couple days ago. Is there a chance I overdid it and would benefit from resting my throat muscles for a couple days? Has this ever happened to you or perhaps one of your students?
Great, that's good to hear. Tremolo is used commonly at the eighth note level (downbeat eighth note), so eventually you'll have it everywhere. You can of course start with using it on longer notes, but eventually you'll increase your usage of it.
You're right, all of the above. Just have faith that it will sound better every day with use. Great to hear about the Sharon's videos.
My pleasure. Not in this case... singing tremolo/vibrato is different than how it's done on the harp. So, in her case, it's the same as yours, just persistence :-)
Hello mainmark. This is very strange... I haven't heard of this before. I guess a couple of days of rest can't hurt.