input impedance of my Microphone and instrument 1 and 2 inputs on my amp
Is there an easy way to measure the input impedance of my microphone in and instrument 1and 2 inputs on my amp.
When I plug my crystal or deramic mics directly into the amp the output is not loud like my Shure CR's or EV 638's
If I plug my crystals into my BBE two timer delay first the output is awesome. I assume the inputs are not optimized for very high impedance mics.
To measure the input impedance can I just plug a 1/4 cable into the input jack and just measure the resistance? Would this be the input impedance of the amp input?
Thanks 528hemi
528hemi- Just plug a guitar(!) cord into an input jack and measure with an ohmmeter between the tip and sleeve of the plug. Input impedance is certainly part of an amp's character, but it's not the only part! Also, the tone circuit can greatly affect the perceived output of various elements. Experiment!
Skip Simmons
Skip Simmons Amp Repair